Jewish Public Library

Federation CJA’s PJ Library Story Time in Ukrainian

Gelber Conference Centre 5151 Chem. de la Cote-Sainte-Catherine, Montreal

Federation CJA's PJ Library in Montreal is now also in Ukrainian! Jewish stories and fairy tales for children. What's in the program: Interesting books and activities that will immerse you

Yiddish Storytime!

Jewish Public Library 5151 Chem. de la Cote-Sainte-Catherine, Montreal

Join Eli Benedict and Zoe Belk for Yiddish stories and activities at the Jewish Public Library! This series is FREE for members.  Register here: Yiddish Storytime | Jlive

Chag Sameach: Bella’s Jewish Year in Stories

Jewish Public Library 5151 Chem. de la Cote-Sainte-Catherine, Montreal

Celebrate the Jewish year with the Jewish Public Library community. Join us for a Jewish storytime, and share the Jewish holiday experience with other families. Discover and celebrate inspiring stories,

Drop-in Knitting Club with Lise

Jewish Public Library 5151 Chem. de la Cote-Sainte-Catherine, Montreal

Join Lise for a drop-in knitting club! All ages and experience-levels welcome! Please note, children must be accompanied by someone 12 years of age or older. Register here: 

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