Jewish Public Library



Per individual membership:
– Books: maximum of 10; each on 3 week loan (except new books = 2 week loan)
– EBooks and audiobooks through Overdrive: maximum of 3
– CDs and kits: maximum of 6
– DVDs:  no maximum; 7 days loan


Each item can be renewed twice except for those that are new or on a reserved list.

DVDs cannot be renewed.

By Phone
Call (514) 345-2627 ext. 3003 to speak to a Circulation staff member or leave a message, or to create a password for your library membership in order to renew online.


  1. Click on Catalogue
  2. Click on Login. Enter your barcode and password
  3. Click on My Account
  4. Click on checkouts to view your checkouts and then tick off the selected items and click on renew. If you are unable to renew the item, you will be notified onscreen.
Late Charges

Lost or Damaged Items
Members are responsible for all items checked out on their cards.  All returned items will be carefully examined. If items are damaged or sections are missing, the borrower will be notified and billed for the full replacement costs, late/overdue fines, and an administrative fee of $10 per item. Similar charges will apply for all lost items.

The library is not responsible or liable for equipment problems resulting from the use of CDs and DVDs.

Reserving Material
  1. Click on Catalogue
  2. Find your desired book in the catalogue
    (Don’t forget to look at our New Items list, available online the first week of every month!)
  3. Click on the Request button
  4. Enter your patron ID and password and follow the instructions to put your name on the reserve list. (Call (514) 345-2627 ext. 3003 to speak to a Circulation staff member to create a password for your library membership)
Inter-Library Loans (available for books only)

If you’re looking for a book that’s not in our collections, we can request it from another library. This service, reserved for members in good standing, is often free, but lending charges sometimes apply. If so, you will be informed before the request is made; if you still want the item, prepayment will be required. We accept cash, cheque, Interac, VISA, and Mastercard.
Just fill out an inter-library loan request form at the circulation desk, or call or leave us a message anytime at (514) 345-2627 ext. 3001.

For other libraries or institutions requesting materials from the Jewish Public Library:

  • Books – 2 week loan, 1 renewal
  • Loan charges – Reciprocal charging
  • Photocopies – A minimum charge of $2.50 applies; $0.15 per page. Copies can be mailed or faxed.
  • Scanning – $10 initiation fee for any scanning order. This includes postage and the cost of media (CD-ROM, DVD, or printout). We do not e-mail scanned images. There is a $5 fee per scanned image up to 15 scans. For 15+ scans, charges increment to $25/hour.

Replacement: Cost of item + $15 processing fee
Payment: Invoice with item

We cannot loan:
– Serials
– Audio-visual items (DVD, CDs)
– Books from any of our special collections

For more information, please email the Reference Librarian at [email protected] or call us at (514) 345-2627 ext. 3001.

Books on Wheels service for the homebound

With the help of our generous volunteers, the library provides a Books-on-Wheels service to those patrons unable to join us at the library. Members may request books or audio-visual materials for delivery to their homes. This service is free to all who qualify.
For more information, please contact us at (514) 345-2627 ext. 3003 or at [email protected]

The JPL thanks the Henry and Berenice Kaufmann Foundation for supporting our Books on Wheels service.

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