Our Digital Resources
You will be asked to log in using the number on your library card (your ID) and your password for most resources. Don’t have a password? Call the library circulation desk to create a password (514) 345-2627 ext. 3003. For help with these resources, please call the Reference desk (514) 345-2627 ext. 3001
eBooks, Audiobooks, Recordings, and Magazines
Read eBooks or listen to eAudiobooks via OverDrive. If you need help getting started click here. For selected recorded JPL events, click here
The Frances Brandt Online Yiddish Audio Library contains selected recordings of lectures by writers who visited the Jewish Public Library between 1953 and 2005. Free access, no login required
The Sami Rohr Library of Recorded Yiddish Books is a collection of Yiddish works read aloud by volunteers and recorded at the Jewish Public Library. Free access, no login required.
Journal and Magazine Articles
Full-text collection related to religion and philosophy.
This full-text database offers a multidisciplinary view of the study of Jewish civilization, from its historical origins to the present.
This Index provides a comprehensive guide to English-language articles, book reviews and feature stories devoted to Jewish affairs.
Genealogy, historical documents and first-person accounts
Enhanced access onsite to historical records as an affiliate library, including censuses, passenger lists, and birth, marriage and death records. (Free access to many resources)
The USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive is a streaming video collection of testimonies of survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other crimes against humanity. Free public access in the JPL multimedia centre
The 2007 e-book edition that updates the classic print version, with over 21,000 entries on Jewish life, culture, history and religion.
A four volume encyclopedia of topics related to Judaism, emphasizing historical subject matter.
Analyzes the American Jewish experience.
Insights into the military, political, social, cultural, and religious origins of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Includes overviews of Jewish communities around the world.
Biographies of influential figures in the Middle East and North Africa living in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries
Reference eBooks
More digital research material is available to members by consulting our reference eBook collection here
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