Jewish Public Library

School Programming

The Jewish Public Library offers tours to visiting groups, as well as volunteering opportunities for teens looking for community service hours or to have a say in library programming. For schools, the library offers special guided tours and a scavenger hunt teaching library research skills to students as well as a free membership for all grade 7s as they enter high school. Tours are offered in English, French and Russian.

Workshops throughout the year. Our present offerings include writing workshops, Rare Book Workshops (generously supported by Dr. Michael Paul), BreakOut Games and so much more. Please check the “Courses” section to keep up to date on our latest offerings.

BreakOut Games, offered through Breakout EDU is the immersive learning games platform. With Breakout EDU kits, you can turn your classroom, camp group or professional environment into an academically focused escape room. Our librarians facilitate games where players use teamwork and critical thinking to solve a series of challenging puzzles in order to open the locked box. Games are available for all ages and content areas.

Please contact Barbara Whiston or call 514-345-2627 ext 3028 for more information on any of the school programming above.

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