Jewish Public Library

April 10, 2024 (Montreal, QC): The Jewish Public Library is thrilled to announce the launch of the 2024 Jacob Isaac Segal Awards. For over a century, the J.I. Segal Awards have honoured the exploration of Jewish themes in literature and recognized the contribution of Jewish culture to a richly diverse contemporary Quebec.

In 2024, we are proud to present two distinguished awards. The first is for the Best Quebec Book on a Jewish Theme, which carries a prize of $5,000. This award celebrates the depth and diversity of Jewish-themed literature in Quebec.

The second is the Dr. Hirsh and Dvora Rosenfeld Award for Yiddish Literature, with a prize of $1,000. This award honours the enduring legacy and cultural significance of  Yiddish literature.

“These prizes are important to the Québec community for they not only allow the JPL to recognize important works that contribute to the enrichment of literature in a multi- faceted cultural Quebec, but also celebrate the Jewish vibrant and dynamic cultural heritage,” said Alain Dancyger, JPL Executive Director. “Literature reflects the human spirit and emotions in all its colours and complexity. These prizes, by bringing the community together, are wonderful opportunities to reward the immense power of the human mind and build a united community,” concludes Mr. Dancyger.

These prizes are intended for published authors and publishers only. Applications will be reviewed by a professional jury.

For more information about these awards, the eligibility criteria and submission requirements, please visit the JPL website at

Deadline for submission is May 31st , 2024. The Award ceremony for the winner of the Best Quebec Book on a Jewish Theme will be held on December 10th , 2024.

About Jacob Isaac Segal:
Jacob Isaac Segal (1896 – 1954) is acknowledged as one of the most respected Yiddish poets. His work is characterized by its deep lyrical expression and evocation of the dignity of Jewish life in the eastern European shtetl and in Canada. Segal strove to show that “a people and its culture are inseparable.” His poetry lives on in Yiddish and in translation.

About the Jewish Public Library (JPL):
The Jewish Public Library, a nonprofit organization located in Montreal, celebrates its 110th Anniversary this year. It is dedicated to preserving, celebrating, nurturing, and imparting the vibrancy of Jewish life and heritage with authenticity and originality. By fostering a culture of learning, embracing open dialogue, critical thinking, accessing, and sharing knowledge, the JPL serves as a catalyst for positive change within the community and contributes to the creation of a more enriched and inclusive world for everyone.

For more information on the Jewish Public Library, please visit
For further information, please contact:
Laura Klauber
Director of Marketing, Communications and Education
514-345-2627 ext 3017
[email protected]

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