Rachel Korn - In Her Voice

Fun yener zyt lid

Fun Yener Zayt Lid (Play Me a Poem), written and read by Rachel Korn

Die alte hanke

Die alte hanke (Old Hanke), written and read by Rachel Korn


Kheshvn (month of Cheshvun), written and read by Rachel Korn

Di shmole stezshke

Di shmole stezshke (The Narrow Path), written and read by Rachel Korn

Mayn mamen

Mayn mamen (To My Mother), written and read by Rachel Korn


Iyev (Job), written and read by Rachel Korn

Kh'hob haynt bay nakht

Kh'hob haynt bay nakht (Last Night I Felt A Poem On My Lips), written and read by Rachel Korn

Kh'hob zikh gegreyt

Kh'hob zikh gegreyt, written and read by Rachel Korn