General Donations
A donation to the Library ensures that we can meet the ever changing needs of the community; nurture Jewish culture, literature and tradition; provide programs for our children; ensure that the elderly continue to get specialized services in a language in which they feel comfortable.
There are many ways you can donate: an undesignated donation that will support the Library’s operating expenses, book or shelf donations commemorating life events, leave a legacy for future generations; contribute to our Endowment Fund; give the gift of membership; and many other options.
In Honour
Donations can be made in honour of a loved one’s memory, a special celebration, a birthday or an anniversary. Bookplates and plaques adorn our collections in memory of important dates and individuals, for generations. Children’s book inscriptions and birthday books are only 18$, while bookplates in the adult library are 36$. Books selected reflect the specific occasion, the interests of the individual for whom the book is selected and kept in the book in perpetuity.
Monthly Donations
Monthly contributions are available, targeting specific projects or towards our general operations. Donors can select the direction of their gift based on their personal preference (Norman Berman Children’s Library, Art, History, Jewish Culture, Genealogy, French, English, Hebrew, Russian, Archival Research, Rare Books, Books-on-Wheels, literary programmes and so many more!) or you can choose to donate where the need is greatest.
Looking for a unique gift?
Drop by the Library to donate or call (514) 345-2627 ext. 3332. You will do a mitzvah and receive a full tax receipt in return.