Livres numériques
Access your JPL eBook collection, through OverDrive.
Library members can borrow up to 3 eBooks at a time (there are no videos or music currently available in our digital collections).
You’ll be asked to log in using your library card’s ID number and your password.
Don’t have a password? Call the library circulation desk at 514.345.2627 ext. 3003 to create one.
More Info
EBooks are compatible with many eBook readers. Need help setting up your reader and downloading ebooks to it? Click here for step-by-step device specific instructions.
Please note: OverDrive isn’t compatible with standard Kindle e-readers in Canadian Libraries, but can be used with the Kindle Fire.
For more help:
Click here to get started with eBook borrowing using OverDrive.
Or search the OverDrive Library help site.