Poster. Mass meeting with speaker Morris Hart. Translated text on poster includes: Mass Meeting April 21, 1942 / Kupchik's Restaurant / [Committee members] Mr. Meyers / Mr. Meorowitz / Mr. Rosman / Ms. Labelle / Mr. Goldfein (1942).
Poster. American Express Company. The poster announces the move of the American Express Company to 1188 St. Catherine St. West (1932)
Poster, People's Tool Campaign, [Who ever is hungry come and eat]. Manager of campaign listed as Harry Herschman and its Chairman, Alderman Joseph Schubert (1925 to 1931).
Flyer. The Committee of 50 for Lower Meat Prices. Text includes (translated from Yiddish): Strike for lower priced meat / We demand meat for the old price of 8c a pound and will not purchase any meat until the price returns to 8c as it was / Mass Meeting / Sunday November 12 / 2:30 P.M. / Carmen Silva Hall / 3956 St. Laurence / The Committee of 50 for Lower Meat Prices (1933).
Flyer. Protest Mass Meeting, "Landlords are Raising Rents". Text includes (translated from Yiddish): Landlords Are Raising Rents / Canadian Arbiter Ring calls for a Proest Mass Meeting / Wednesday Feb. 14 8:00 P.M. / Carmen Silva Hall (1934 or 1940).