Notice of Collecting Hiatus
November 1, 2024 - April 1, 2026.
A collection freeze is a difficult decision. Here is why we are doing it and the steps you can take.
Thanks to the passionate work of Archivist Emeritus Eiran Harris and other JPL Archives staff, the amount of archival collecting at the JPL has been prolific for such a small organization. Today, due to the volume of materials still awaiting attention, and the unique staff complement available to us at this time, we have made the difficult decision to introduce a collection hiatus until April 2026. The hiatus will help us catch up on our commitments to process, preserve and make accessible those materials that we have collected over the decades that have yet to be made discoverable. Only once they are discoverable, can they can enrich academic and genealogical research.
We extend a sincere thank-you for your patience and understanding.
What now?
a) If waiting for April 2026 is feasible, you are welcomed to fill out the JPL Archives intake form and we will be in touch once the hiatus is done.
b) If a donation is urgent, you may wish to contact another collecting organization. Find Jewish archival and heritage organizations at this CJHN resource.
Monetary Donations
Preparing materials for use by researchers is the most expensive operation in the Archives. Although such monetary donations are rarely a prerequisite for the acceptance of a collection, donors who are able to assist by providing funds toward the arrangement, cataloguing, and conservation of their personal or family records are encouraged to discuss the possibility with the archivist.