Contact Details
The Archives are located in the Jewish Public Library of Montreal at:
5151 Côte Ste-Catherine
Montréal, Quebec H3W 1M6
Telephone: (514) 734-1518
Fax: (514) 345-6477
[email protected]

Maya Masha Pasternak, Director of Archives (514) 734-1372
Eiran Harris, Archivist Emeritus (514) 345-2627 ext. 3000
Sam Pappas, Reference and Access Archivist (514) 734-1518
Kate Moore, Processing Archivist
Leah Graham, Digital Archivist
Ellen Belshaw, Education Outreach Coordinator
Ezell Carter, Digital Outreach Coordinator
The Archives are open:
Monday to Thursday: 10 am – 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 4 pm
Friday: Closed
Please call or email ahead to reserve an appointment.