Jewish Public Library

2024 J.I Segal Awards – Winner Announcements

Join us for a special gathering right after Terry Ades’s book launch from our news series ”Authors from Home”, where we will reveal the winner of the 2024 J.I. Segal Awards for the Best Quebec Book on a Jewish Theme category!

The Jacob Isaac Segal Awards of the Jewish Public Library—made possible by the J.I. Segal Cultural Foundation, founded by Dr. Hirsh Rosenfeld and Mrs. Dvora Rosenfeld—were created in 1968 to honor the memory of the remarkable Yiddish-Canadian poet, J.I. Segal. These awards celebrate the richness of Jewish cultural creativity in Canada and are presented every two years to recognize outstanding works on Jewish themes and contributions to Jewish education.

This Year’s Finalists Include for the Best Quebec Book on a Jewish Theme:

  • Yiddish Lives On: Strategies of Language Transmission by Rebecca Margolis
  • Les Juifs de la Révolution tranquille : Regards d’une minorité religieuse sur le Québec de 1945 à 1976 by Simon-Pierre Lacasse
  • Looking for Alicia: The Unfinished Life of an Argentinian Rebel by Marc Raboy
  • Who Gets In by Norman Ravvin

For the Dr. Hirsh and Dvora Rosenfeld Award for Yiddish Literature:

  • Finalists will be announced in the near future! Stay tuned.

Celebrate these powerful works and the authors’ contributions to Jewish culture, history, and education with us! Save the date for an evening that honors creativity, passion, and the preservation of Jewish heritage.

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